Don't Click!
When you start to use LyX, you will probably use the math toolbar at the bottom of the window. You should, however, make it a habit to look at the source in order to learn how to write the code.
Writing is faster than clicking!
Writing the code for displaying a fraction
Click on Cmd/Ctrl+
m to enter math mode. Instead of using the fraction-icon in the
math toolbar, you can write \frac
and click spacebar (or
enter). Two boxes appear, just as if you clicked on the fraction-icon.
Move between the boxes using the up and down arrows. Move out from math mode
by using right arrow.
For writing the code to display a square root, write \sqrt
math mode) then click spacebar (or enter) to get a box where
you write the content of the square root.
Subscripts and superscripts
The most common way to write subscripts and superscripts is to use ^ for superscripts and _ for subscripts, this is how it is done when using LyX/LaTeX, Octave, GeoGebra, and most other mathematics applications.
If you for instance want to write xn+1 using LyX, you
write x^
and then click spacebar (or enter); write n+1
in the box
and then click on right arrow to exit the superscript box.
When writing it in LaTeX, you use curly brackets around the superscript, in
other words you write x^{n+1}
by Malin Christersson under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Sweden License